Friday, October 31, 2014

Something Familiar

I wanted to do this idea for a New Yorker cover for years and never got around to it until now.  As it happens, my "Hip Hops" piece (from the previous post) was accepted as the cover of the Food Issue which unfortunately was scheduled to appear the only week this one could have run. In other words, I bumped my own cover.
Timing is--

ng     .

Monday, October 27, 2014

Hip Hops

It seems that all my New Yorker ideas these days have to do with my neighborhood here in Brooklyn. Here's a piece inspired by one of my favorite beer joints.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Icons of Animation!

Don't blame me for the title, it was Bill Plympton's idea! But then again, so was the show itself, which was a pretty good idea. Opening this week at the Society of Illustrators of New York, will be a four-man show called Icons of Animation which will feature the work of the indefatigable Bill Plympton, the dazzling Carlos Nine, the fantastical William Joyce and, um, me. I haven't seen it yet but I can't wait. On view will be over one hundred pieces of original works on paper for projects varying from the highly personal to the shamelessly commercial. Please join us (Bill and me at least; Joyce and Nine couldn't make the journey because of other commitments) for the opening reception this Friday evening.
Details here!
And if that's not enough for you, this Thursday night, Bill and I will sit on a panel together discussing our experiences in the field of animation which will be moderated by my old pal, J.J. Sedelmaier.
The event is sponsored by the Academy of Motion Pictures and will take place at The Academy Theater at Lighthouse Guild.
Details HERE!

Monday, March 31, 2014

A New Leaf

This week's cover is somewhat autobiographical.  I tried for seven years to be a vegetarian but just couldn't resist the call of the wild. I wish I could because I really love animals. 
Unfortunately, they're delicious.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Subway Lines

I know I've said this before, but for inspiration one doesn't have to go very far, especially in New York City. One short hop on the Lexington Ave. line is a crash course in character and costume design. 

The last two sketches were made in a cafe during a recent trip to Paris. 
Ok, some times you do have to go far.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Just a Pinch"

This cover came out yesterday and my first reaction was embarrassment; it was unseasonably warm and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.  I'm delighted to report that as I write this, the snow is coming down by the pound.