Doesn't he actually draw anymore?
I do. Really. But as I've said before, most of the work I am doing lately is on films that won't be released for awhile.
In the meantime, I am once again going to do a signing of my book, A Sketchy Past and what better place to do it than at the black hole that is San Diego ComicCon, which begins today. Surprisingly, even to me, I have had only one other signing in the U.S. for A Sketchy Past. I am in discussion with my publisher, Akileos, about whether to print another edition of the hardcover or go on to produce a paperbound edition. If that is the case, the hardcover edition might soon become extinct, though I don't like the idea. So if you haven't got a copy yet, I will be perched as usual at Stuart Ng's table where I will be signing two or three times throughout the weekend. I'll also be selling some original drawings and even a few high quality prints of my work (see the 11X14 print above), just to test the water.
See you there?
PS: I just installed a snappy new flipbook preview of A Sketchy Past in the "store"section of my website-
I hope they keep A Sketchy Past in hardcover. It deserves it. It is a wonderful book. I just picked up your Duchess of Whimsy book the other day too. Another fantastically wonderful book. My whole family loves it.
ReplyDeleteIf your looking for something to draw that you CAN show to people, do a banjo pig. It's lots o' fun.
This has been one of my favorite single pieces of yours.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby, who isn't much of an art person, LOVES the elephant on the cover! And your October 9/11 NY Magazine cover.
ReplyDeleteThe book - I have it in hardback of course - is the most beautifully produced, top-quality art book I own - and I own a few!
Enjoy the zoo aka ComicCon!
This is really the only "must have" on my list this year. Hopefully you're signing sometime Saturday. :)
ReplyDeleteOh I'm SO glad I came and checked this post. I don't want to miss out on the hard cover. That IS a shame though, I do hope they decide to keep it in store.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could make it to the Cominc-Con too.
Have fun! Sounds like it's going to be eventful this year.
Any chance you can sell any original drawings through your website so that the people not at the ComicCon can partake in owning a de Sève original?
ReplyDeleteThat's hilarious! I like the expressions of the face as well as the means which you drew this. The textures, colours and feel involved.
ReplyDeleteWow, this is stunning. Is that all water color?
ReplyDeleteI'm tremendously happy to have found your blog. Your elephant's expressions and the poor fellow beneath are priceless . I will keep checking to find out where I can get your book, hardcover preferred. I also like the story line about the Duchess of Whimsy. I will be back to check your posts often. Sound like you have a full agenda--best of luck!
ReplyDeleteI just purchased "A Sketchy Past" a couple weeks ago and am floored by the work. In the eyes of an aspiring illustrator, your images are both hugely inspirational and depressing. You make me want to be a better illustrator and I am thankful that you put this book out. I've been sharing it with anyone interested so that they can also marvel at your craft. Your samples of "Duchess" were breathtaking, astounding and intriguing, so I'll have to search for that book too. Thank you again for your inspirational and influential work!
ReplyDeleteIt was great hanging out at comicon again this year Peter, I think my ribs still hurt from laughing at dinner! Hopefully I can find some east coast way of getting together, so you don't have to keep coming out here! ;)
Peter, it was great meeting you ever so randomly on the con floor. Thanks for stopping to chat!
ReplyDeleteI can't affor $250+ for a book... AKKKKK I did buy your new book... hasn't arrived yet. I hope they do another printing... of the Sketchy Past book... I'd love to have a copy of it...at a reasonable price.
ReplyDeleteان الخزانات من اكثر الاشياء التي يجب الاهتمام بها ومتابعتها والحرص علي نظافتها ,لذلك فان عزل الخزانات يساعد بشكل كبير في التخلص من مسببات تلف الخزانات وعدم تأثر المياه بدرجة الحرارة واشعة الشمس. حيث تحافظ علي صحة وسلامة السكان من التلوث الذي يحدث نتيجة الصدأ او البكتيريا المتكونة بسبب عدم غسل الخزانات بإستمرار , لذلك يجب عليك عزل الخزانات حفاظا علي صحتك وصحة افراد عائلتك , وشركتنا تتخصص في عزل الخزانات بأفضل واحدث الطرق والتي نضمن من خلالها امان تام للمياه ,وحيث نستخدم مواد آمنة جدا بحيث لا تتأثر بوجود المياه حولها.
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انتشار الحشرات بالمنزل يتسبب لنا عميلنا العزيز في الكثير من الأضرار؛ لذلك يكون التخلص منها أمر ضرروي للغاية، ويجب السعي له بكل الطرق، ونحاول استخدام كل الطرق والمبيدات الحشرية للتخلص من الحشرات المنتشرة داخل المنزل، ولكن في الكثير لا نصل لنتائج مرضية لنا، لذلك تقدم شركة مكافحة حشرات بتبوك افضل الخدمات باقل الاسعار
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يعاني كثير من السيدات في أثناء تنظيف المنزل من ضيق الوقت وعدم كفايته للانتهاء من تنظيف المنزل بسرعة وبشكل كامل، ويبحثن عن طرق للقيام بالمهام بسرعة أكبر للتغلب على هذه المشكلة
شركة منزل الشموخ لتقديم خدمات التنظيف بارخص الاسعار وبعاملة مدربة، فنحن افضل شركة من خلال تخفيض الأسعار وليس تخفيض الاسعار فقط ولكن الجوده والخامه والحصول علي افضل نتائج حتي نبني سمعة طيبة عن شركتنا من خلال عملنا فقط لأننا رواد في مجالنا
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العديد من شركات نقل العفش والتي توفر خدمات نقل وتخزين الاثاث والعفش هنا قائمة بافضل شركات نقل العفش ...
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