Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ich Bin Ein Illustrator

Who would have thought that there exists an actual conference devoted to the art of character design. Not me, but what do I know? I've recently been invited to attend the Pictoplasma weekend in Berlin to share my thoughts on character design, my influences and how I go about it. I am one of the more decidedly commercial artists to appear there judging from the gamut of bizarre and beautiful work represented on their website. I am very excited about the weekend and look forward to meeting character designers from all over the planet (and other planets, from the look of things).

My trip is sponsored by my friends at Hornet Inc. with whom I've collaborated on several television commercials.
The conference runs from April 9th to the 11th.


  1. That image is hilarious!! (And so true in may "how to" books)

    Have a great time Master.

  2. From the egg to the hen !
    I do love this Darwin illustration !

  3. Funny Peter!! So lucky you get to go to Berlin!

  4. that reminds me of my favorite drawing instruction - "how to draw the tick"

  5. Ahhh, I wish I could see you paint in person!
    Thanks for the link to Hornet, I just spent some quality time browsing your New Yorker covers & more. Somewhere I have the March 28, 2005 cover. Such excellent facial expressions!

  6. That's Awesome! quite a leap between Fig. 2 and 3 there sir... That must be where the magic happens!

    Craig Elliott Gallery

  7. Hope you'll enjoy your trip to Berlin Peter.
    Have a great time there !!!

  8. Could you muster a Fig. 2.5 please? :P

  9. Hey look I made a pretty pitcher!!

  10. This drawing is just amazingly funny ! I am still wondering what are the missing steps...

  11. BERLIN - is that open to visitors?


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